School Life
School life is one of the most important phases in the life of a man.
It is the period during which one learns the basic principles of behavior, speech, and etiquette.
Great News! We are excited to announce that Student Assignment has moved to an
online application and should be downloaded from the Assignment page.
Our Events
We enjoyed some wonderful end of term assemblies. Click on the links if you would like to see some of them:
News Updates
Our next main events are the inter-school and will be updated soon from IT desk come
next term. Please refer to the weekly news and events calendar for more info.

About Us
St. Mary’s Girls School Runda, is a boarding Secondary School under the management of the Assumption Sisters of Nairobi. It is a Catholic Sponsored School offering 8-4-4 system of Education. The school is located along Kiambu Road just after the bypass coming from Nairobi and before the bypass coming from Kiambu. It is accessible from the road and the environment is very quiet and conducive for study.
Guided by the school motto ”Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you’’ (John 2:5)
Looking for a first-class Girls' School?
MOTTO: “Do whatever He tells you “(John 2:5)
VISION- A center of academic excellence and formation of future women leaders.
MISSION- To team up with Christ in holistic formation of girl child for her empowerment.
1. Prayer
2. Discipline
3. Hard Work
4. Respect
5. Humility
6. Quality
7. Equity
8. Responsibility
Emphasis on pursuit of Excellence
We welcome all new students and their parents as active participants in the life of the School and invite you to help us bring our vision closer to realization.
We are very proud of our students
Aim for the highest possible level
St. Mary’s Girls’ Runda aims to inspire its students to find an attractive human role model in every path of life. We believe that character and success go hand in hand and inseparable.
Our next main events are the inter-school and will be updated soon from IT desk come next term. Refer to the weekly news and events calendar for more info.
Fees Structure
Fees structure is updated each term and the right structure shown for each parent to make good arrangement on how to settle fees balances.
Great News! We are excited to announce that Student Assignment has moved to an online application and should be downloaded from the Assignment page.